Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Colour Associations

We can generally attribute certain colours with emotions, these can be used to form an opinion of  character within or a film or a setting. The main colour associations are:

Black- Depression, darkness, anger, death, fear, unknown
White- Purity, light, clarity, divinity, holiness, Emptiness
Red- Danger, blood, passion, anger, power, aggression
Orange- Energy, warmth, fire, joy, excitement, happiness
Yellow- sunshine, caution, light, energy, optimism, cowardice
Green- nature, greed, natural, healing, balance, soothing
Blue- Sadness, trust, loyalty, tranquility, balance, peace
Purple- Royalty, wisdom, awareness, imagination, magic, supernatural

In my work i could try and use darker colours when the villain is used and these combined with other factors can create an opinion on the character. The semiotics will build up an overall depiction of a dark and scary character, which is seen in a stereotypical psychological horror film.

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