Thursday, 20 October 2016


I can only hope that the questionnaire will get results which can aid us in our further research into creating a horror film. With the help of other people, we can see their preferences and adapt our film around them.

Our Survey will include the question:
How old are you?
Do you enjoy the horror genre?
Are you male or female?
What is your favourite horror sub-genre?
Who do you prefer as the main character?
What aspects of horror do you enjoy most?
How do horror films make you feel?
Is a more realistic horror film scarier?
What types of settings scare you most?
What is your favourite horror film?

With the answers from these questions, we will be able to change our story line and other such aspects to try and appeal to the answers from the questionnaire. 

1 comment:

  1. Add images or a list of questions- then do the same when you explain your findings
