Thursday, 5 January 2017

Questionnaire results

Question 1:

From question 1 we can see that there is a diversity within the people answering the questions so as a group, we can get a majority of unbiased answers from people in different age ranges. From the results, 29% of people who answered were between 12 and 16 and the majority being 68% who were over 26. I think the larger amount of older people is better, due to the fact that the opening sequence that we are making is for a psychological horror film and it will appeal to an older target audience.

Question 2:

There was a seeming mix in response to this question as more or less there were even results when it came down to it. 39% of people who were asked did enjoy the horror genre and 44% said that they didn't. This gives us an even balance with results as in order to create a successful psychological horror film, we need to know what we should and shouldn't do when it comes to actually making it so having both people who both do and don't like horror gives us a better understanding when it comes to the production stage of the film as the later questions will show.

Question 3:
There was still a large amount of males who answered this question and the target audience of our horror film will be males, so for them to be able to answer the questions, we were able to understand what we need to incorporate to our opening sequence in order to make it a success with the target audience. As well as that, to have the majority of women answering, we can see what also appeals to the other sex and how we can attempt to reach out to the lesser target audience for our film.

Question 4:

The majority of answers (32%) were saying psychological horror films were their favourite out of the sub genres listed and i think that we can incorporate that more so into our opening sequence as more people liked psychological, it would only make sense to.

Question 5:

More people liked the main character to be male or gender not specified. I think if we went against what the majority said, and had a female lead, we could appeal to the smaller audience and or the niche audience from this and in doing so, having male characters having smaller roles within the film. This means that we could use the final girl theory in our film if we did this, which is a stereotypical horror convention.

Question 6:

Most of the people wanted suspense building in the film (36%) so we will try and incorporate it into the end of our sequence by having the antagonist making his presence known through the use of non diagetic music. The second most voted one was an interesting storyline, so to make it interesting from the start, we will have our murder unexplained and the characters create a rapport with the audience.

Question 7:

The vast majority of people said that horror films made them feel scared, so i think that as a group, we should try and take a different approach from the stereotypical horror film by making the audience feel anxious due to the unexpected turns that will be taken with the story line and this will be seen from the very start with a false sense of security as the murdered character will think that it is another group member trying to scare him,when in reality it is the murderer.

Question 8:

Having a more realistic horror film is scarier, this is why we have a somewhat believable story line and our characters will dress and talk like middle class members of society. As well as this, our characters look the part of being teenagers due to their actual age ranging from 16-17 so it will seem more realistic. If we keep it realistic, it will appeal more to the target audience as evidently from the results here it is scarier if it is realistic.

Question 9:

The scariest places were set in abandoned areas, and as a collective we thought that it would be a better idea for psychological horror film to be set in a forest as it is more of the slasher/ body horror sub genre that tend to be set in abandoned places (e.g Saw and hostel). It would be scarier if we had a darker lighting and the forest with lots of tilts and longshots to show how deep and large the forest is which leaves the question of them being alone.

Question 10:

People who did enjoy horror seemed to like films like: Silence of the lambs, Saw and The blair with project. Films like these have a clear plot line of order and then disorder. There is always a clear plot twist at the end of all of the films named above, so maybe it would be a good idea for a full film if it ended with a plot twist, leaving space for a sequel opportunity.

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